A few years ago I took a break from writing my newsletter in order to care for my Father through his final illness and death. It was one of the most amazingly wonderful and painful experiences. A gift I will always treasure.
I am certain the stories of my final adventure with my Father will come out in these pages, a bit at a time. But for now I am happy to reconnect with you and with my love for writing these pages.
I am exploring a new format, this blog instead of my newsletter. And I will skip the tight deadlines that I maintained for the newsletter and write in my own time.
My life is definitely marked by before and after my Father's death. After his death I needed a long time to rest. I actually had to go away to learn how to sleep again. (I highly recommend Aruba.) Then there was the grieving process which was complicated by the mountains of paper work to settle his estate (thank goodness for wonderful lawyers and bankers); my Mother's need to clear out his closet (which broke my heart); and adjusting to a new world that did not include my Father (which felt very tilted).
Before I go, I want to share an old photo of my Father and me that makes me smile.